True change of the Millennium [12.99]

- Y2K Predictions
- Best TV Sitcom

feedback@ renaissancemag.com



PROTOCOL: Limit letters to 200 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity, length and grammar. Letters must be intelligent and well thought out (no personal attacks). Respect the opinions of others.


RE: December Issue

Pat on the Back
I'd just like to say that this site is one of the best sites on the net. I think the editorials are extremely well written, I personally really enjoy Ridolfi's articles. I especially enjoy getting a good chuckle out of whatever the "food for thought" aspect. That part of the site, was actually what started me coming back to this site every month. Now that I have discovered the other aspects, I usually look at the majority of the site.

Keep up the good work.

Sat, 18 Dec 1999 at 02:47:18


RE: Hey Al, What's that Again? [December 1999]

Just for the record, the article ridiculing Vice President Gore's soundbites contains two errors. The quote about going to Latin America and "not studying Latin harder" is attributable to that great misspeaker Dan Quayle, as is the quote about 'bondage between mother and child. But that should not diminish the article's point. If you look hard enough for misspoken lines, and go over speeches with a fine tooth comb, you will find such examples to ridicule in almost everyone's conversation. I don't know many people who don't misspeak occasionally. My favorite misspeaker of all time, however, is George Bush, Sr., who had a habit of backing up to a thought, and sidling around it, until you couldn't quite remember what the subject of the comment was. Or maybe he couldn't. Either way, I got many moments of enjoyment from those sound bites. Maybe the Former Prez will be able to pass that baton to Dubbya, as he seeks the presidency.

Tue, 14 Dec 1999 12:04:33


RE: You Call This a Side Effect? [December 1999]

Bulls Eye!
You couldn't be more on the mark when it comes to the new "weight loss" drug and its "side-effects." Those are otherwise known as symptoms to the millions of Americans suffering with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Visit the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation home page some day and learn what hell these patients go through. They'd give anything for a drug that cures rather than one that replicates their disease in otherwise healthy people. Thanks for smelling everything that's wrong about this one!

Mon, 20 Dec 1999 19:50:13


RE: When Real World Goes Bad [December 1999]

Crazy But True
As crazy as that uninhabited island scenario sounds, I happen to know a guy who just may audition and he's not as insane as he would sound to be under the circumstances. I've been told this program is doing very well in Europe. So for once, America is importing rather than exporting TV situation fare. I'll stay tuned.

Wed, 22 Dec 1999 21:32:23


I just wanted to let you know that I have read most of December's issue and think it looks great...How about Eddy Merckx, Gareth Edwards, Paavo Nurmi or Nikolay Andrianov for best foreign athletes


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